Friday, September 24, 2010

Gearing up for the journey.

Our plane takes off on Wednesday at... I don't  know, should probably look into that, sometime in the morning, maybe... to Ho Chi Minh City by way of Tokyo.  So, we've been gearing up for both a 16 hour flight and an 8 week trip through SE Asia.  Needless to say, Kate, usually a beacon of calm*, is frantically going down her "to do" list.

And the shopping, oh the shopping!  Kate and Mrs. Rubert have canvassed the central NJ malls searching for modest-length clothing, more appropriate to the somewhat conservative communist regime to which we'll be guests.  But of course, it all still has to be stylish, so the task--so I hear--has not been easy.  Since I'm a guy and have nothing but long shorts and t-shirts, all of acceptable length, my job has been to sit on the couch and update our ipod. Reason #91 it's better to be a guy.

Well, we're all immunized up, we have our DEET bug spray, and we're picking up our diarrhea antibiotic pills later today (seriously, antibiotics for the backpackers' squirts, where was this stuff when I was in Peru?? Ay Caramba!), so we're almost ready to take off.  The next post will likely come from a slower internet connection somewhere in Vietnam.  Until then, keep your ears to the grindstone.

Some brief details of our trip, subject to change:
- September 29th through October 18th, Kate, Mrs. Rubert, and I will be working our way through Vietnam, beginning in Ho Chi Minh City in the south and ending in Hanoi up north.
- October 19th through November 22nd, Kate and I will continue on to Thailand, Laos, and Cambodia.

Over and out.

* = sarcasm

1 comment:

  1. While I sit here at my desk reading about the adventure you are about to go on all I can think, they really suck! I kid! Have fun and live it up! Catch you when you are back State side!

    - Stump
